Statesman, yet friend to truth! Of soul sincere,
In action
faithful, and in honor clear;
Who broke no promise, served no private end,
Who gained no title, and who lost no friend:
Ennobled by himself, by God approved,
Praised, wept and honored, by the Land he loved.
In action
Who broke no promise, served no private end,
Who gained no title, and who lost no friend:
Ennobled by himself, by God approved,
Praised, wept and honored, by the Land he loved.
Alexander Pope (altered)
Dear Friends,
Over the past twenty plus years, I have strived to learn all I could about the miraculous story of Our Lady of Good Success and all of the beautiful stories that surround this devotion. One such historical event was the arrival onto the political scene of Ecuador of Gabriel Garcia Moreno. When I discovered this genius of a man and read all of what he did, I have believed him to be a template for future statesmen and politicians. He should be a model for every man who delves into law or sciences. He is a hero and a martyr par excellence! If I were a man, I would pray to be like him!!! Alas, I am not!!!
However, for myself, I have never been the same knowing such a person (if one can truly say you "know" someone from reading his life and his works.)
If ever we need a "Gabriel Garcia Moreno" in the world, it is at this time in history!
And so if you are as uncomfortable and anxious as I am about the past year... Viruses sent from across the ocean from foreign lands, protest and vandalism and killing on our city streets and desecrations of holy things worldwide... then we need to step up the game.
Our Lady gave us the answer to our present problems when she said, if only we would heed her words:
"Therefore, clamor insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the privacy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity on His ministers and bring to an end those Ominous times..."
This short pictorial article is written to remind one what a truly good Christian President should be.... A truly Christian leader should imitate Christ and be willing to lay down his life for his friend...for his countrymen. (and then if you want to know more about this great man- perhaps THE GREATEST LAYMAN in the 19th Century onwards go to the link below)
Garcia Moreno carried a cross in the streets of Quito during Lent.
This is the cross he carried. It can be seen in the Cathedral in Plaza Grande in Historical Quito.
He would pray the rosary with the average worker. And he would also not take a salary as the Ecuadorean President in order to get his country out of debt!
He signed a Concordat with Rome. He promised to tithe the Pope every year... He promised his country's fidelity to the Church!
The enemies of the Church (aka Freemasons) despised him so very much that they called universally for his death!
He was murdered/martyred on the streets of Quito by Masons and his last words were: "You can kill me, but GOD DOES NOT DIE!!!"
He died under the loving gaze of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral. He gave his life for God and Country - trying to defend both to the end!!!
After reading and learning about him, none of these politicians can measure up to a man such as this!!!
Yes, we must heed the words of Our Lady in the political realm as well:
"Therefore, clamor insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the privacy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity..." on us and send to this country a good and honest leader.
For if we are to obtain a decent Prelate as she promises, then and only then, will we be also obtain good, honest, Christian statesmen like Gabriel Garcia Moreno.
Dear Friends, I think we all might be sorely disappointed no matter which one loses or wins, so please be prepared spiritually! We truly need to pray more!! We should not despair! We should run to the feet of Our Lady and beg her assistance in these times! For only she can help us!
After all, desecrations are occurring all over the USA and no one is doing a thing to stop it!!!! One of the latest is the one below in Kentucky at St Martin of Tours.
Do you think that it is going to get better after the elections?
The following prayer was composed by a devotee of Our Lady of Good Success do aid us in "clamoring insistently" for the good of our souls and our Beloved Catholic Church.
Prayer For The Triumph Over Evil
Through Our Lady Of Good Success
This day we beg of Thee,
Most Holy Trinity,
to hear our humble request
through Our Lady of Good Success.
Accept from us today,
all we think, do, suffer and say,
to repair for the offenses
that make Thy Heart so sad.
Purify our intellect,
fortify our will,
cleanse us of our vices,
sanctify our soul.
Assist us in our suffering,
give us grace to persevere,
restore our lost vocations,
grant us new priests to serve.
Help us to spread devotion
to Our Lady of Good Success.
Grant us in Thy Goodness
we may be blessed by its effects.
In this we beg of Thee,
that we may live to see:
the crushing of all Communism,
Globalism, Socialism, Occultism;
the annihilation of all Masonry
and all the secret sects.
An end to all blasphemy,
impurity, heresy and apostasy;
and all that binds this world
in darkness and debauchery.
If Thou must send a great chastisement,
to mend this wicked world,
please hasten its arrival
and lessen its effects.
In that time O Lord, be merciful,
lend us Thy helping hand,
save us and our love ones,
that we might start again.
Through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart,
may our Holy Church be restored,
that Christ Our Loving King,
May Reign in every heart and land.
Novena Prayer for the Canonization of Gabriel Garcia Moreno
Gabriel Garcia Moreno
(December 24th, 1821 - August 6th, 1875)
"Brilliant Statesman, Loyal Son of the Church and Martyr of the Faith"
Pope Pius XII
Novena Prayer For the Canonization of Gabriel Garcia Moreno Catholic President of Ecuador
Oh Holy Virgin of Lourdes, remember that thy servant Garcia Moreno promised to defend thy Immaculate Conception. Remember that he belonged to thy sweet Archconfraternity, and that he fervently prayed thy Holy Rosary. Pope Pius IX, who officially proclaimed thy exemption from original sin, declared that Garcia Moreno "died a victim of the Faith and Christian Charity for his beloved country".
Oh Holy Virgin, obtain for us the canonization of this exemplary ruler so that powerful men arise in works and words for the cause of the same Faith and of our beloved country. Finally, please grant this special intention (make request), if it is for the good of my soul. Amen
With Ecclesiastical Approval (300 days Indulgence)
C.M. Cardinal de la Torre, Archbishop of Quito
January 21, 1958
For more on Gabriel Garcia Moreno: