Please share this with others!!!

Dear Friends,

It has come to our attention that in the past 2 yrs, an organization founded a sub-organization that seems to be  causing confusion among the devotees of Our Lady of Good Success. I counseled with a priest friend and he immediately told me to write to you!
We were made aware of this by one of the devotees via sending us the flyers that this organization has been sending out to people. We have not ever sold our list to anyone nor given our devotee list to anyone,but we fear somehow they have been sending this flyer to our friends. We hope that is only by accident that this is happening... we would like to believe that it is just a mistake.
The organization I am writing about is: The Servants of Jesus and Mary. 
This operation is now under other peoples' control... perhaps some members of the old board of directors that Fr. Gruner had founded.  It seems to be headed by a Fr. Kramer.  I really just don't know... 
However Fr. Gruner is dead and yet they say they have been in existence since 1994.  Well I guess they could say that ,but who is exactly running the show now???  
The sub-group that is causing the confusion is titled: Our Lady of Good Success Apostolate
If you donate to this organization NONE of the donation goes to us!!!
Early this past year, I spoke with a representative of this organization and they told me that there was nothing they could do to change this situation, but take of the last word: "Apostolate."
I said that would at least help! I thought this would be done....
However we see that they are still using this title!
Doesn't it seem odd that as they have Our Lady of Fatima as their patroness that they don't use "Our Lady of Fatima" as a sub-group?  It is also interesting that none of these groups listed below are listed on their website.
I have attached 2 documents:
1.  The flyer that is being sent out by "The Servants of Jesus and Mary"
2. A hand-written letter just received from one of our friends whom I have just talked to this morning and who is very shocked and saddened by this deception (whether intentional or not).  This lady is 89 yr. old and she feels that she was somewhat deceived by the misuse and twisting of our title which is and as been now for over 15 yrs since 2002:The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success.
See this document- THIS IS NOT US !!!
This letter above is from one of the devotees of Our Lady of Good Success who had 
been regularly donating to us until she got  a letter like the above letter over a year ago.
Additionally, Australians have called to tell us that search engines are issuing warnings to people who are trying to get to our website!  
I assure you that our website is completely safe and we have kept up with all of the current internet laws and securities and payments.
Those of you who have appreciated our work which is  done SOLELY  by yours truly and our family and ONLY FUNDED BY YOU PEOPLE- DEVOTEES OF OUR LADY OF GOOD SUCCESS please consider going to our website and either ordering something  for someone for Christmas or give a donation if you can!!!
This is the time of our fundraiser and we do need help to keep going and to help the Sisters in Quito...
Please consider helping us as this past year our orders and donations have dropped considerably in 2019...
I apologize for having to write this and had hoped that this would all just quietly go away...
A Blessed  Month of the Poor Souls and coming Advent to you!
Look for another email this week on the subject of the Lent of St Martin!!!
In Jesus and Mary,
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
1288 Summit Ave Suite 107
Oconomowoc, WI. 53066
phone 262-567-0920
"Star of the Stormy Sea of my mortal life, may your light shine upon me so I do not stray from the path that leads me to Heaven."
(From the Last Will and Testament of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres)