Dear Friends,
One of our patronesses is St Mariana de Jesus Paredes - the Lily of Quito.
She was a contemporary of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres and is thought to have Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres as her namesake.

The quote that St. Mariana de Jesus - The Lily of Quito - is most famous is this:
"Quito will not be destroyed by plagues and earthquakes but by bad governments!"
Since St Mariana was a victim soul for Quito, Ecuador, it can be taken that she would be successful in offering her life for Quito at that time as Quito was delivered from the plague and threatening earthquake....but what about Quito and the world now? It could be suggested that if Ecuador and Quito had been consecrated to the Sacred Heart while Gabriel Garcia Moreno was President. At that time, Quito was a truly Catholic Nation and still is considered so while also bearing the fruit of a whole laundry list of saints, canonized and un-canonized, what is to become of the rest of the world???

The Carmelites of Carmen Alto in Quito, Ecuador, who live in the original house of this beautiful saint, have sent us a message and ask us to join them in the novena from May 17th - 25th. They ask us to pray to their National Heroine who gave her life for their country and the world in our difficult times of Pandemic and Corruption!

This Corruption that they mention is not just meant to refer to the bodily corruption of sickness and death, but is meant to refer to the political, moral, psychological and most importantly spiritual corruption of our Era!
We are not currently being bombarded by the liberals on one side trying to brainwash the world to quarantine and wait for a nefarious and diabolical vaccination that will not only track your every movement, but we have been made aware and warned by some people - Christian people who have been in FEMA and Homeland Security and have since converted - they have suggested that this new vaccine will have such elements that will cause our DNA to meld with Artificial Intelligence. It has been suggested that this could take about our Free Will and we would become nothing more than walking zombies fulfilling the will of Satanic New World Order. Could this information which sounds like it comes right out of a science fiction movie be true????
PostedEnviado May 17 2020 at 03:25PM bypor Lorraine BORNHOP
This makes me fearful but I trust in the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Our Lady to be near us and guide us safely to Her Son. She has proven Her loving protection
PostedEnviado June 19 2020 at 03:57AM bypor Stewart Davies
It has been shown that many, if not all vaccines now contain nanoparticles, some of which are metallic, and which can form a ‘brain/machine interface’. "Machine’ is a general term that can, and does include computers.By such means, mind control of entire populations becomes, not just possible, but inevitable.