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Novena Starts May 17th thru May 25th
Feast Day of St. Mariana de Jesus is May 26th.

"The soul that obtains the perfection of humility easily attains Divine Love, without adding any other exercise of penance or virtue. Furthermore, never will you find a heart that is filled with humility ever fail nor be emptied of anything when it is also occupied with Divine Love.”

Prayers to be said every day:

Act of Contrition

Prayer: My Sweet Jesus, as You rested among the lilies in your celestial garden, You turned Your eyes from Eternity to the most fragrant Lily of Quito.  From the moment of her creation, you provided her with all of the sweet blessings that you bestow upon souls which are to be placed before Your throne; I now prostrate myself before Your Divine Majesty imploring Your divine mercy through the merits of Your faithful servant and affectionate spouse St.  Mariana de Jesus. Grant me, Lord, by the imitation of St. Mariana’s heroic virtues, a soul that will emit the fragrance of virtue as hers did, for the glorification of Your most Holy Name. Amen.

My God of Infinite Holiness, One in Being and three in Person, I thank you for the innumerable graces with which you have bestowed upon your most affectionate servant, St. Mariana de Jesus, demonstrated through  her example and holy life.  O Lord, by the singular benefits that you grant to those who invoke her, with a lively faith in any tribulation, especially in times of plagues and earthquakes, continue to give to all devotees who appeal to you through St Mariana’s intercession the necessary graces.    Do not deny the request I ask of You in this novena, if it will assist me to gain eternal salvation.  Amen.

Day One

Prayer:  Blessed Mariana de Jesus, who appreciated the inestimable gift of the faith which you received in holy baptism, being solidly taught the divine mysteries and truths of the Faith, and conformed all your works to the Catholic beliefs, from childhood on, you endeavored to increase your faith through meritorious acts. Despite the fact that you were only a delicate young girl of ten years old, you attempted to leave home with your childhood companions, to become a missionary to pagans, even prepared to give up your life for this cause if need be.  Intercede for me with your celestial Spouse, and attain for me from His Divine Mercy a faith which intensifies so that I am not ashamed to confess my Faith in word or work, nor should I be fearful of those who kill the body but cannot  kill the soul . Rather may I gain a holy fear of the Lord who is the Divine Judge who will decide my fate.  May I grow in faith so that by not refusing to lose my temporal life, I may gain Eternal Life.   Amen.

Now make your request to the Holy Trinity for the special grace which you wish to receive through the merits of Saint Mariana de Jesus.
Say three Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s and Glory be’s.

The day of the Canonization of Mariana de Jesus the elderly Mrs. Maria Rodriguez de Coello is suddenly cured.

“I had been debilitated for a year and a half, without being able to walk. September 10, 1948, I took a serious fall from which I fractured my left leg in three points; the foot, the knee and the end of my femur. “I was treated by three doctors. I was six months in bed with my leg set in a plaster cast without being able to move. The pains were atrocious.   I was told that within two months I would be well… A year passes and I became worse. Due to the fact that I remained on bed rest, my liver swelled, and my kidneys refused to work. The doctors lavished their science and good will to cure me….

“Soon they brought a bonesetter to me that made me undergo unbelievable torments. They were useless.

“From April 1949, I used crutches on which to drag my sore and broken leg.

“….the Canonization of Blessed Mariana de Jesus occurred on July 9, 1950. That day I joined my hands before the statue of Blessed Mariana.  I said to her crying:  Give your feet to this sinner here!.  Grant a miracle to me! “With faith, I recited the novena to her.”

“It was now that hour in which the Pope at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome would celebrate the great canonization of Blessed Mariana de Jesus. I told my daughter and my son-in-law of my desire to listen to this radio broadcast of the canonization. As always, they assisted me, they rose with me in the early hours of July 9, but they could not get the Vatican radio station. They tried for several hours until daylight.”

“I must confess that I was very sad because I could not hear her canonization. I spent the whole morning very sad. Later, at two o’clock in the afternoon, I was alone in my room. No longer could I hold back my despair and my anguish. With my head between my hands, I murmured sobbing: “Saint Mariana de Jesus why do you not hear me?”

At that very moment, something that I cannot explain shook my whole body. And without realizing it, I fell to my knees. Immediately I got up, threw away my crutches and started to walk. I left my room.  My niece was the first one to see me.  Frightened, she went to tell her mother.  My daughter came in and gave me a hug.  We were speechless with joy. We cried tears of joy and gratitude…. Then my son-in-law came in, he was speechless…”

(When arriving at this point in the story, Mrs. Maria Coella dries her tears that are streaming down her cheeks. Thus ends the story of this miracle).

V.  Pray for us, St. Mariana de Jesus.

R. So that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray:  Oh God, who desired to have bloom in this age, Saint Mariana in virginal chastity and perpetual penance as a  lily among thorns; I pray that through her merits and intercession I may deter my inclination to sin and vice and continue to follow on the road to perfection through  Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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