Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Success
February, 2004
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success was able to raise a little over $2500 for our charities in Quito, Ecuador. Due to our attachment to the Conceptionist convent in Quito the majority of our donations went to this worthwhile cause. These good sisters need a great deal of monetary help to support their charitable work and restore their convent grounds. Much of the convent grounds are in disrepair. The Church needs to be restored. Most importantly, these sisters run a free medical clinic for children. They are also funding construction on a new convent outside of Quito.
We also visited an orphanage in Quito that housed 27 school age children. These children were very well-behaved. We were pleasantly surprised when we asked if there was a chapel on their grounds to pray the rosary. Not only did they graciously welcome us to their humble little chapel but they actually joined us in the recitation of the rosary in Spanish. These children have learned their Catholic prayers very well. God bless these good sisters!
Lastly, we met a Carmelite order of sisters in Quito who reside at Carmen Alto (the original home of St, Mariana of Quito) that expressed a desire to learn Latin. The Apostolate has donated money for these Carmelite sisters to be tutored in Latin. They are all very enthusiastic to learn. We have been informed that the sisters have just been taught how to recite the Rosary in Latin. As a result of their studies, these pious nuns can now be heard reciting their rosary in Latin, Sundays before Mass.
Donations are still welcome for these causes!