Vigano Invites Bishops and Priest to Join in at 12 Noon Rome Time on Vigil of the Assumption August 12, 2021.  Let us join in prayer and Fasting as well!

[Ed Note: As mentioned before the Assumption is the starting date for the Lent of St. Michael.  Would this not be a great way to enter into this time of prayer and fasting? ]


Abp. Viganò: Invitation to bishops and priests to pray and fast to defeat the plans of the New World Order

It is our sacred duty to unite ourselves to the spiritual battle, aligning ourselves without hesitation under the banners of Christ our King and Mary our Queen.

(LifeSiteNews) – In this moment of very serious spiritual and material crisis, in which the public Authorities support the plans of the New World Order and the Shepherds are silent accomplices in the face of the destruction of society and of the Church of Christ herself, it is our sacred duty to unite ourselves to the spiritual battle, aligning ourselves without hesitation under the banners of Christ our King and Mary our Queen.

The Lord has given to Bishops and Priests the power to cast out demons in His Name. Already on Holy Saturday of 2020 many of them welcomed my appeal with generosity and a supernatural spirit. Today I intend to renew this appeal. I ask, therefore, my venerable brothers in the Episcopate and Priesthood to dedicate the Vigil of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to prayer and fasting, and to reciting the Exorcismus in Satanam et angelos apostaticos of Leo XIII (Rituale Romanum, Tit. XII, Caput III), at the hour of 12 noon in Rome. This sacramental will be placed under the mantle of the most fearful adversary of the infernal powers, so that the choral prayer of the ministers of God will remove from the Church and the world the snares of the enemy of mankind which today threaten society, families, individuals, and in a particular way the faithful of Christ.


We must fight this ever increasing demonic attack on the World- on Society- on once Catholic countries- on Christian Culture- on our workplaces- on our families - on our children!

It is not going to stop until we do what Our Mother has asked us to do!

Are you praying your daily rosary for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

And please don't tell me it has already been accomplished and that the Reign of Mary has taken place!  If that was so, the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD would have known this!


Call to Join in the Recitation Exorcism Prayer by Archbishop Rene Henry Gracida

Exorcism Prayer:

Vaccinations - A Sacrifice to Satan?

Excellent article on Aborted Babies in Vaccinations and Modern Medicine in General


For More on the Lent of St. Michael: